In Ghostly Japan

In Ghostly Japan
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In this book, famed author Lafcadio Hearn presents 14 fascinating stories-including deathless ghosts and yokai, local folklore and haunted places, as well as Buddhist traditions. This edition includes a new foreword by Michael Dylan Foster which explains the book's importance as a Japanese cultural and literary classic.

The Japanese have two kinds of ghosts in their folklore-the spirits of the dead and the spirits of the living. In Ghostly Japan examines both and, in the process, offers a fascinating window into Japan's supernatural and spiritual world.

The 14 stories include:
●"Fragment"-A young pilgrim encounters a mountain of skulls and is shown a terrible truth
●"Ingwa-banashi"-On her deathbed, a dying wife bequeaths to her young rival a sinister and horrific gift
●"A Passional Karma"-A spectral beauty transcends death to return for her handsome samurai lover
●"Story of a Tengu"-A priest saves the life of a Yokai monk and is granted a wish, but the outcome is not as expected

In Ghostly Japan


In Ghostly Japan

Lafcadio Hearn

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